
Dr. Otto Gudjonsson MD. Plastic Surgeon

Eye lid Surgery

Are you thinking of having your eye area fixed?

Surgeries around the eyes (usually called eye-plastic or blepharoplasty) involve removing fat and usually some excessive skin as well from the area above and/or below the eyes. A surgery like this one can remove excess skin that is hanging over the eyes and swollen "bags" below the eyes that make you look older and more tired than you actually feel. Also these can affect your vision. The eye surgery does not however remove wrinkles, sometimes known as crows' feet, dark shadows /shades below the eye nor do they lift the eye brows. Eye surgeries are performed by itself or parallel to other surgeries for example a forehead lift or a face lift.

Is such a surgery the right solution for you?

An eye plastic can improve your look and self-esteem but it will not entirely change your look so it is important to keep your expectations realistic. Your look might change less than you expect and people will not change their approach towards you. You should think well about your expectations and discuss them with your doctor before you decide to undergo an eye plastic surgery. It is suitable for those who are healthy, both physically and mentally and have realistic expectations. Most patients are over 35 years of age but younger people have had it done if skin wrapping above the eye runs in the family. Some health issues can be risk factors, such as dry eye, high blood pressure, heart and coronary diseases and diabetics. If you have had problems with your eye membrane or glaucoma you should consult your ophthalmologists before you make a decision.


Risk factors

Side effects are rare when an experienced plastic surgeon performs eye plastic surgeries and are usually minor if they happen at all. However, certain factors differ from one person to another, such as general health conditions and the healing processes. Infections or bad reactions to anaesthesia might occur. You should be able to diminish risk factors by following the instructions of your plastic surgeons thoroughly, both before and after surgery. This is especially applicable concerning exercise after surgery. Minor side effects that sometimes occur after procedures such as eye plastic surgeries can be disturbed vision for a few days and temporary swelling in the upper and the lower eyelids. A few patients have difficulties closing their eyes and in very rare occasions it is a permanent problem. Top of page

To decide an eye plastic surgery

Good communication between you and your doctor are very important. He needs to receive general information on your health, so it is important that you provide them as honestly as you can. Let him know if you smoke or if you take medicine on a regular basis, nutrients or medicine that have blood thinning affects.
During the first visit the doctor examines your vision and the tear production capabilities of your eyes. You should bring with you information from your last visit to the AUGNLÆKNIR. If you use glasses or contact lenses you should bring them with you. The doctor will then discuss your expectations and whether you prefer the surgery only above the eyes or just below them or both. Possibly you might want to discuss whether you want another surgery performed parallel to the eye surgery, such as forehead lift.
During your first visit the doctor will tell you whether you use anaesthesia or local DEYFINGU, where the surgery takes place and how much it costs. Don´t hesitate to ask if you have any questions, especially regarding your expectations and worries. Top of page

Preparation before surgery

The doctor gives you advice on how to prepare for the surgery regarding food and drink, smoking and the medicine you might use. Usually the rule applies to fast from midnight before the surgery. It is best to not smoke at all 4 weeks before the surgery as smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and can affect the healing process. If you catch a cold or some sort of infection the surgery has to be cancelled. Make sure that somebody can pick you up from the hospital / the medical centre and can assist you for one to two days after the surgery. Top of page

Surgical facilities, anaesthesia and the operation

An eye surgery usually takes about one to two hours but more complicated and combined surgeries can take longer time. Usually the patient does not need an anaesthesia, only local anaesthetic. The doctor starts with the eye lid and then moves on to the area below the eyes. Incisions are done that follow the normal faults on the eyelids and just below the lower eye lashes. When fat needs to be removed below the eyes and no excess skin an incision is done on the inside of the eyelid. In those cases a no scar is visible but this applies usually only for younger people with somewhat thicker and more elastic skin. The doctor prescribes pain killers and perhaps antibiotics to prevent infection before you leave the medical centre. Top of page

After the surgery

An eye balm is put in the eyes after the surgery. When the DEYFING starts to fade away you might feel that your eyelids are stretched and soar but you can avoid pain with painkillers. If however you feel strong pain you should call the doctor immediately. Try to lie down with your head up higher than the rest of your body the first days after the surgery and use cold BAKSTRA to diminish swelling and bruise. The bruise is worst the first week after the surgery but it can be visible for 2 to 4 weeks. You will get a prescription for an eye balm that you put into your eyes according to your doctors recommendations. You might find it hard to tolerate strong light the first weeks after the surgery and you could be increased tear production and some vision distortions. The stitches are removed after 3 to 5 days and the swelling decreases right after that and you start to feel much better Top of page.

Full recovery

You ought to be able to read and watch television after 2 to 3 days. Still, you shouldn't´t use contact lenses the first 2 weeks after the surgery. They could cause you some irritation longer than that. Most people are ready to show themselves among other people and get back to work after a week. You can hide a possibly remaining bruise with a make-up. Strong sunlight, wind and other things can make you feel somewhat uncomfortable for a few weeks so that you should use sunglasses when outdoors. Usually people are advised to do as little as possible for three to five days and avoid heavy strenuous activities for about three weeks. It is very important to avoid things that might increase your blood pressure, for example bend forward, lift heavy objects and exercise strenuously. You should limit consumption of alcoholic beverages as they increase liquid accumulation in your body. Top of page.

The new look

It always takes your body some time to recover after the surgery and the scars can be light red for about six months after. With time they will get paler and become a thin white line that is almost invisible. However, the positive effects of the eye surgery – a more open and younger looking eye frame – will last for a long time. Top of page

Otto Gudjonsson MD.

Cosmetic Surgeries
Álfheimar 74, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland.
(+354) 515 1600
Cosmetic Surgeries
Álfheimar 74, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland.
(+354) 515 1600